For starters, did you know that your thoughts affect your feelings, which then affect your behavior? They're all interconnected whether we realize it or not. If you're thinking negative, you're likely not feeling secure and confident, which can lead to avoidance, impulsivity, emotional break downs, or mental exhaustion. But how does one change their thinking patterns when they're not even aware it's happening?
Well, is overthinking causing you anxiety? Are you self-sabotaging? Struggling to expressing yourself? Or perhaps you're preventing yourself from being true to who you are? By becoming more aware and in control of your thoughts, you can change the way you percieve yourself and your outlook on life.
By becoming more aware and mindful of your thoughts, you'll be able to utilize problem-solving skills more effectively when dealing with difficult situations. You'll gain a better understanding of your behavior and your emotions. Self-understanding can help you build trust and extend grace to yourself.
I'm here to provide you with education on thinking patterns, techniques to change distorted thinking, and coping skills to enhance mindfulness and awareness. If you're going to live in your head, lets make it safe.